"Yes, we ARE here to celebrate the 7th of October!" Canadian Antifa activist Charlotte Kates makes it clear what position she and her…
“America was never great” Far-left militants with the Revolutionary Communist Party rip up flags and step on them at a demonstration in Los…
Breaking: At the #antifa anti-Israel direct action march, they tried swarming and attacking a California Highway Patrol vehicle on the road. They…
🤣🤣 #BidensAmerica pic.twitter.com/VXg818STp7— CIA-Simulation Warlord 🇺🇸🦈🇺🇸 (@zerosum24) January 20, 2021 Denver #BidensAmerica…
В каменты поста о том, как 2005 году, когда демократы возражали против президентских выборщиков из Огайо, тогдашний лидер меньшинства в Палате…
Sign: “Fascism is capitalism in decay” Some antifa are calling their Portland street occupation the “Red House Autonomous Zone,” or RHAZ. The “Red…
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